Monthly Archives: November 2010

Four (for) Women.

okay, i know i’m not supposed to be here, but.  i just have to share these videos.

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see you December 1st!

hello, boobiscuits!

i am both happy and sad to announce that there will be no updates here or at Splackavellie Central this month.  it’s sad because all of the ridiculous thoughts that i run around my head at any given time are gonna have to stay in there, where they will more than likely start a tent city, start dropping acid, and run an absolute mock in there.  but it’s good because i’ll still be writing! i’m going to do my damndest to do NaNoWriMo this year, and so far i’m off to a shitty start because it’s november 5th and i haven’t even written word one.  i’ma get to it though!

in the meantime, i’d like to say hi to any new readers that mosey on this way.  the show will absolutely go on, and in the meantime i’d like to invite you to take a look at some of the favorite foolery that goes on around here!  and if you’re not new, do yall remember where u were when this epicness entered your lives?:

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