Tag Archives: Alycia Lane

Livin’ la Vida ‘Lycia: Life in the Fast Layne

isn’t that a super dope title idea for Alycia Layne’s reality show?  i thoughted of it myself!

speakin of ‘Lycia, there’s more foolishment about:  she’s suing her former employer for–you’ll never guess–defamation of character

right on, sister girl!  don’t you let them make an ass of somebody who sends scanty pictures to a married man!  don’t you let them strip you of your integrity, oh ye who smacks cops in the face and calls em dykes to boot! 

i tell you what, she looked at the entire world and was like ‘arright world, check me out, this is what’s finna happen.  im gonna act up at work and be mad when i get fired for it.  then ima assault a cop and be surprised when i get arrested for it.  THEN, you’re gonna pay my bills cause nobody’s gonna hire a cuckoling cop-beater.  and you will like it.  nay–you will LOVE it.’

move over, maya angelou.  lycia is my hero now.

|article & pic source|

YES! more alicia layne tomfuckery!

im gonna go ahead and start that countdown to the reality show.  its coming.  oh, sweet moses, it’s coming.

wtf tho, larry mendte?! LOL!  remember when he was all shocked and sullen when reporting on Alicia fightin that cop in NY?  lmao

philly news = better than reality tv


An attorney representing KYW-TV anchor Larry Mendte says the FBI searched his client’s home in a case involving former co-anchor Alycia Lane — and her attorney suggests that it involves a possible invasion of her privacy.


Mendte’s attorney, Michael A. Schwartz, said FBI agents approached his client Thursday and searched his Chestnut Hill home in connection with “claims made by Alycia Lane.”

“Larry is cooperating fully with the investigators and hopes to promptly reach a resolution of this matter,” he said Saturday night.

Lane’s attorney, Paul R. Rosen, denied that his client had made “any claims involving anyone.”

Channel 3 released a statement to Action news. It says ” late last week CBS 3 became aware of an investigation by the U.S. Attorney’s office regarding anchor Larry Mendte. CBS 3 is cooperating fully with that office in this matter.” The statement went on to say Mendte will not be on broadcasts, pending further investigation.

“The investigation by the FBI and the direction it took was done by the federal government and not by Alycia Lane,” Rosen said. “She was shocked when she learned of any invasion of her privacy.”

The station said it was cooperating fully with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in its investigation involving Mendte.

Mendte, 51, who has been with the CBS-owned station for nearly five years, has won 43 Mid-Atlantic Emmy awards.

Lane was fired in January after she was accused of hitting a New York City police officer the month before. Felony charges against her were later dropped and a judge further reduced the charges in February, agreeing to dismiss them if she stays out of trouble for six months.

Information from: The Philadelphia Inquirer, http://www.philly.com

Information from wire reports was used in this story


(Copyright ©2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
*thanks D!

alycia lane works white woman voodoo; up for potential pardon

lol.  i love america guys.  really i do.  i think what i love most is that tried and true standardized american story:

girl reads news.  boy reads news.  girl meets boy.  girl likes boy.  boy is married.  girl sends suggestive bikini pictures of self to boy.  boy’s wife finds pictures.  story is leaked to press.  girl retains job.  girl travels to new york. girl punches cop, calls her a dyke.  girl gets arrested, charged with felony.  story shames employer.  girl is put on paid leave.  girl is eventually fired.

so you’d think this is the end of the line for her, eh?  i mean its a felony.  she was a news reporter and she totally screwed that up.  but no, wait!  girl can have felony and the entire ugly incident completely wiped off her record forever if she stays clean for 6 months!

welcome to america, where we inifinitely believe in second chances.  for some people.  particularly hot ones. 

she’s also supposedly in phoenix, az, working on a book about her life.  next stop:  REALITY TV.  JUST WAIT AND SEE.

lol. hey philly.

per expectations, they canned Alycia Lane.

Alycia Lane
..for CBS3, I’m a self-righteous attention whore who doesn’t know when to stfu. Back to you, Bob.

lmao. i dont know why ive been so excited abt watching her downfall. just somethin satisfying in seein privileged mainstreamers who literally have it all–she was gettin $700,000 a year to read a teleprompter a few hours a day–who throw it all away cause they heads got too big to keep any common sense. its kinda like hearing bad news about those Hills broads. u shldn’t be famous anyway; meanwhile the talented individuals (*cough*LIKE ME*cough*) still gotta slave at a 9-5 everyday. u NEED to be taken down a notch or 12.

if there’s a smart TV mogul out there though, this is good news for somebody; this woman is a walking hit reality show, i’m tellin u. if it happens, i called it. im callin it now.

sometimes falls from grace taste like marshmallows 🙂